Of all work related expressions, I love the phrase entrepreneurial effort the most. Because the common idea behind hundreds of thousands of different entrepreneurial efforts, irrespective of their size or domain, is the same awesome idea.
Entrepreneurial efforts are about taking significantly more risk than usual, and putting in significantly more hard work than usual, if one has true desire to solve, build, or create something.
= = =
This page has a list of entrepreneurial efforts that I felt compelled to work on, started working on, but then never finished, and jumped to a new different effort, because of my ADHD and other reasons.
The global covid shutdowns of year 2020-2021 gave me a much needed break to step back, reflect, and course correct this behavior.
Going ahead my resolution in life is to build self discipline and reachout to other people for help.
I will do so specifically in the roles of —
an entrepreneur 🚀
a screenwriter and filmmaker 🎥
a polyglot creator or a बहुभाषी रचयिता ✍️
a seeker of infinite truth ❤️
and a helpful member of various communities 🙏🏼
= = =
The following list of entrepreneurial efforts is already randomized. And you can randomize it again (any number of times) by clicking here. Doing this forces my ADHD self to remember my various drives, but channel their energies only one effort at a time.
-DASH- -DASH- Oscar Storytelling Experiment
(( new art treatise on screenwriting, 20 year long experiment, scientific method, artistic discipline ))
The Legend Of Tesla Nandi
(( movie effort, english hindi telugu gujarati punjabi, short film, mostly borrowed music, feels like the hateful eight (without violence) meets richard linklater's before trilogy ))
Can you -DASH- -DASH- in 14 cents?
(( movie effort, english, short film, elderly people, true story, tear jerker ))
Ayeki -DASH- Mr. Dronn
(( movie effort, short film, action adaptation ))
RODIC // Robbery Drama At Indian Liquor Store Cambridge
(( movie effort, english gujarati telugu, dark comedy, street music, ivy league, crypto art crime, mathematical thriller ))
-DASH- As A Rocket Ship
(( movie effort, family comedy, kids battle, science vs tiktok, space adventure, feels like home alone, meets star trek, meets school of rock ))
Liberally -DASH- Conservatively -DASH-
(( movie effort, english, bro comedy, true lies, neither drunk nor high, politically pro anti incorrectness, violently gandhian, feels like the hangover, meets harold and kumar ))
(( tv show effort, can support 10 seasons with 10 episodes each, or even more, creates quality paid work opportunity for ~500 artists, feels like friends, meets mind your language, meets malgudi days ))
China, -DASH-, America
(( movie effort, english, a movie made in two single takes of 1 hour each ))
Kali Kaluti -DASH- Ladki
(( tv show effort, multilingual, political epic, feels like game of thrones, meets mahabharata, meets modern day democracy ))
Buddha Buddhi Ab Kya -DASH-
(( movie effort, hindi telugu, family comedy, travel adventure ))
-DASH- -DASH- Wali Shaadi
(( movie effort, hindi, family comedy, witty, gen-z wedding drama ))
Ambasaddor Car Ke -DASH- Mein Ek Aadmi -DASH-
(( movie effort, hindi bangla, quirky, entrepreneurial, no smoking like ))
First -DASH- Of The Revolution -DASH-
(( movie effort, english, dark comedy, love, heart break, revolution ))
-DASH- Cannot Do Matatu -DASH- In Africa
(( movie effort, english swahili, documentary ))
Bitcoin -DASH- -DASH- Show
(( tv show effort, english, reality show, smart, entrepreneurial, entertaining ))
Baseball -DASH- -DASH- Baseball
(( tv show effort, english, reality show, adventurous ))
Simple And Audacious
(( todo ))
Harvard Hindu American Satyagraha
(( todo ))
Elon Inspired Republican Revival
(( todo ))
Consent -DASH- Consent, Love -DASH- Love
(( todo ))
God Art and Swa-Dharma
(( todo ))
Modi ji -DASH- Nahi -DASH- Bhakti
(( todo ))
Efforts Before Age 35
(( todo ))
Hindu American Hasan Minaj
(( todo ))
Bitcoin Learning Board Game
(( app coding effort, todo ))
Personal Network Discipline
(( app coding effort, todo ))
Work From Home Together
(( app coding effort, todo ))
Friends and Family Text Conversation Game
(( app coding effort, todo ))
(( app coding effort, todo ))
Flirting With The Wrong Man
(( app coding effort, todo ))
Hindi Crossword
(( app coding effort, todo ))
Learning About America
(( todo ))
Most Meaningful Reality TV Show
(( todo ))
X Dash Y Dash
(( todo ))
Wife ji ki Amrikan Hindi
(( todo ))
Academy Award Nomination, Best Audience
(( book writing effort, todo ))
Self Help, Earning Balanced Wealth, and Hindu Dharma Simplified
(( book writing effort, todo ))
She Had An Abortion, He Had One Too
(( book writing effort, todo ))
Buchchki Ke Papa
(( book writing effort, todo ))
Mummy, Papa, aur Humara Bachchpan
(( book writing effort, todo ))
Two Things Needed For Lasting Love
(( book writing effort, todo ))
Anonymous Peeping Tomasina (part-1)
(( book writing effort, todo ))
Anonymous Peeping Tomasina (part-2)
(( book writing effort, todo ))
Write All Kinds of Poems
(( poems and songs effort, todo ))
Bidesi Band
(( music and songs effort, todo ))
No shit, Zuckerberg
(( music and songs effort, todo ))